Abundant Solar Power, INC. is planning on building a 5 MW AC solar farm at 327 Hardie Rd, Conklin. Below is more information about our planned solar project.

Applicant: Abundant Solar Power (US NY-327 Hardie Rd-001) LLC
Property Owner: Sustainable Investment Ltd.
Parcel Address: 327 Hardie Rd, Conklin, NY 13748
Tax Number: 178.01-1-29.11, .12, .02
Total Parcel Area: 27.25 Arces
Zoning: R-15
System Size: 6.876 MW DC / 5 MW AC
Total Fenced Area: ±18.4 Arces
More About Community Solar
Community solar allows multiple participants to benefit from a single, off-site solar array, making renewable energy accessible to those who cannot install panels on their own properties. Subscribers receive credits on their electricity bills for their share of the energy produced. This model democratizes clean energy access, supports local job creation, and reduces greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to broader environmental goals. Through community solar, more people can participate in and benefit from the transition to renewable energy helping New York achieve their 70% renewable electricity by 2030 goal.
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